Kayoki Knoll Silver 2x8 Clay Subway Tile

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$34.35/sqft $40.54 (15% Off)
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4.30 sqft
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Tile Size2" x 9.87"
Tile MaterialClay
Tile ApplicationIndoor
Tile ColorGray, Silver
Tile FinishGlazed
Tile StyleSubway
Tile Thickness14 mm
Pieces Per Box40 Pieces
Tile ShapeRectangle
Sold ByBox
Coverage4.30 sqft


By on February 27, 2019

This is the coolest tile ever! Modern and organic are how I would describe it. Our guests love our kitchen's look and feel and point out that our backsplash is the key feature. So thank you homedecoraz!

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Kayoki Knoll Silver 2x8 Clay Subway Tile

Kayoki Knoll Silver 2x8 Clay Subway Tile

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