Island Wharf Cozy Dock 3x12 Gray Subway Tile IW1113

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$11.27/sqft $13.52 (17% Off)
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feet do I need?
Unit NeededCoverage Per UnitTotal Sqft Included
5.72 sqft
Total Price

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1-866-232-0288 Mon. - Fri.: 9 AM - 5 PM EST

Tile Size3" x 11.94"
Tile Thickness5 mm
Sold ByBox
Pieces Per Box23 Pieces
Coverage5.72 sqft
Tile ShapeRectangle
Tile StyleSubway
Tile ColorGray
Tile MaterialCeramic
Made InSpain
Tile PropertiesHeat Resistant, Direct Sunlight Resistant
Tile ApplicationShower Tile, Residential Wall


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Island Wharf Cozy Dock 3x12 Gray Subway Tile IW1113

Island Wharf Cozy Dock 3x12 Gray Subway Tile IW1113

check-mark Free Shipping on Orders over $499
check-mark Easy Returns. See details
check-mark Usually Ships within 1-2 business days

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